As we have discussed here before, both the DMV and the Court system have the ability to suspend your driver's license after a DUI. There are, however, few circumstances wherein the Court can order the DMV to re-issue someone’s license. This most frequently happens when the DUI charges are dismissed by the District Attorney's Office or an acquittal is obtained after a trial, after which a "Dismissal hearing" is held to refute the DMV's previously obtained evidence against the driver. The other way this can happen is through the use of a “Helmandollar” Plea. In the original Helmandollar case, the driver beat the DUI charges in court after losing the DMV hearing.
There are two rather large challenges in being able to enter a Hellmandollar plea, however. Perhaps most difficult is getting the prosecutor to agree to dismiss the DUI charges and admit there is some deficiency in the evidence that is great enough to equate to actual innocence of the driver. Then, of course, the judge must agree to accept such a plea. Once that happens the driver's license suspension and DMV conviction are set aside under Vehicle Code 13353.2 which states, “If a person is acquitted of criminal charges relating to a determination of facts under [the administrative per se law]…the department shall immediately reinstate the person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle.” (However, this language does not apply to a suspension based on a driver's refusal to take a chemical test.) While these pleas are certainly hard to get, if you are a person who cannot stand to lose their driver's license an experienced DUI attorney can help you explore this option. 9/25/2019 09:32:07 am
I am currently studying the Law of the land, so this is a good reference for me. I am serious about wanting to change the world, so do not even try to laugh at me. My dream is to change the order of the world, more specifically, the legal system. I cannot do it alone, but I know that there will be people out there that will support my cause. I hope that I can be the best lawyer possible. Comments are closed.
AuthorDevina strives to make information relevant to the lives of her clients easily accessible. Archives
January 2025