The holiday weekends are often weekends when sport fishermen flock to the water, but this Labor Day weekend, the CDFW is hoping fishermen will take precautions to avoid catching Yelloeeyes Rockfish. These fish "are a long-lived, slow-growing shelf rockfish species that was declared overfished in 2002. They are currently managed under a strict federal rebuilding plan to allow the population to recover, which has required significant cutbacks to West Coast sport and commercial fisheries for over a decade." They ask fishermen to avoid "fishing in areas where yelloweye rockfish are known to occur (e.g., rocky outcrops and pinnacles)." If accidentally caught, these "rockfish should be immediately returned to the water with a descending device to minimize injury and mortality."
For more information regarding groundfish regulations, management, stock status information, fish identification tools and current catch trends, please visit the CDFW Marine Region Groundfish Central website at
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Calling all wildlife loving artists! The Department of Fish and Wildlife will be holding a design contest a the state’s 2017-2018 upland game bird stamp. The contest is open to all U.S. residents ages 18 and over. This year's featured bird is the Wilson’s snipe, which should be featured in it's native habitat. "Entries will be judged on originality, artistic composition, anatomical accuracy and suitability for reproduction as a stamp and a print."
Entries will be accepted from Oct. 30 through Nov.15. For contest information and entry forms, please visit The Pacific halibut season opened on Monday, May 1 for the first of four open periods. Halibut season this year will be TMay 1-June 15, July 1-15, Aug. 1-15 and Sept. 1-Oct. 31, subject to earlier closure if the quotas are met.
The DFW will be stationing inspectors at public launch ramps and charter boat landings to keep an eye on the overall catch. More information is available through these references:
FROM THE F&G WEBSITE: Nonlead Ammunition Required Statewide for 2017 Spring Wild Turkey Season4/12/2017 Don't forget! If you're going to be hunting wild turkeys this year, you're going to need to use nonlead ammunition. This is a STATEWIDE requirement, and this regulation applies "to both to public and private lands (except for licensed game bird clubs), including all national forests, Bureau of Land Management properties and CDFW lands. Private landowners or anyone authorized to hunt on private land must also comply with these regulations."
California’s 2017 Spring wild turkey season opened March 25, and will close April 30. After that, the archery-only season will run from May 1-14. Taken from the Cal. Fish & Game website:
"Recreational Fisheries for Dungeness Crab and Rock Crab
Due to population concerns, the 2017 season for Red Abolone will be shortened and the take limit reduced.
The 2017 season will open May 1 and close on Oct. 31. The Calendar Year Limit has also been reduced to 12 (down from last year's 18.) And please note: "no more than nine abalone may be taken south of the boundary between Sonoma and Mendocino counties." |
AUTHORAs a Criminal Defense Attorney, Devina often gets a lot of questions about Fish & Game-related cases. Archives
August 2017
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